Krakatoa : the last days

a BBC/ Discovery Channel/RTL/France 2 co-production ; director, Sam Miller ; producer, Alan Eyres, Simon Winchcombe
BBC : Distributed by Deltamac (Hong Kong), c2006
1 videodisc (136 min.) : sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.
視聽電腦媒體551.21 KRA在架上::
  • C2. 這次火山爆發的爆炸威力相等於二億萬噸黃色炸藥,接近前蘇聯試爆世界上最大核彈的兩倍,毀去原有島嶼的三分之二;引起强烈地震及高達30{????}40米的海嘯,浪濤比2004南亞海嘯高三倍之多;發出的爆炸聲傳達遠至3500公里之外;冰雹大小的碎石最遠落到一百英里以外,雅加達全城
  • C3. 這部由BBC英國廣播公司製作的90分鐘紀錄片式電影,資料搜集加上電腦特技,將當時天翻地覆的一幕眞實地呈現觀眾眼前。本片結合豐富的資料搜集以及逼眞的電腦特技,三千萬元的製作成本重現火山爆發及海嘯的震撼,帶大家回到災難現場,親身經歷這場震撼的大自然災難。
  • E1. BBC drama documentary portraying the events leading up to, and including, the devastating volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island, and its immediate aftermath.
  • E2. The story is told from various viewpoints - a colonial officer, a scientist, a lighthouse keeper and a ship's captain. The volcanic activity in 1883 led to explosions, tsunamis and ash clouds, and left more than 36,000 people dead.
  • DVD ; area code 3.
  • In English with optional subtitles in Chinese or English. 英語對白 ; 中英文字幕.
  • Rupert Penry-Jones, Olivia Williams, Kevin McMonagle, Ramon Tikaram.
  • Special features: Bonus documentary - Krakatoa revealed.
  • [London] : BBC ; Hong Kong : Distributed by Deltamac (Hong Kong)


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