
勞工及福利局, 香港電台聯合製作 ; 香港電台電視部製作
香港電台, c2010
錄影光碟 2片 (各 109 分) : 彩色 ; 4 3/4 吋+ 說明書 1本.
LocationCall NumberStatus
Audio Visual Resources548.25 3714Available
Teachers' Resources centre548.25 3714Available
  • 1.聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》於2006年獲聯合國大會正式通過, 2008年8月31日《公約》正式在中國生效, 並適用於香港和澳門特別行政區.《公約》的制訂, 是促進, 保護和確保全球6億5千萬殘疾人士能平等地享有一切人權, 基本自由和尊嚴的重要里程碑.
  • 2.一連十集的戲劇, 每集以《公約》其中一條例為主題, 透過來自不同殘疾類別的角色及故事, 帶出《公約》的精神與意義, 拆除我們身邊有形與無形的圍牆.
  • a.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006. It came into force in China on 31 August 2008 and is also applicable to the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China.
  • b.The Convention is an important milestone to the promotion, protection and assurance of the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights, fundamental freedoms and inherent dignity by the 650 million persons with disabilities over the world.
  • c.In this series of 10 episodes, stories of persons with different disabilities are used to illustrate the various articles in the Convention.
  • d.The spirit and core values of the Convention conveyed through the stories will help us see the world behind the tangible and intangible walls around us.
  • Disc A: 第三選擇(肢體傷殘) = Third choice (physical disability)
  • 無聲的舞步(聽障) = Quiet dancing steps (hearing impairment)
  • 視界良好(視障) = Vision beyond sight (visual impairment)
  • 你有缺陷(自閉症) = A little bit wrong is right (Autism) --說不出的願望(中風, 長期病患) = Silent wish (stroke, Chronic disease)
  • Disc B: 妄「相」(妄想症) = Delusion of photo (Paranoia) --煙花比她寂寞(唐氏綜合症) = Kitty in the wonderland (Down syndrome)
  • 獨立宣言(痙攣) = Declaration of independence (cerebral palsy)
  • 一千光年外的自由(肢體傷殘) = Freedom ... lightyears away (physical disability)
  • 窗裏窗外(思覺失調) = Window inside-out (early psychosis).
  • DVD.
  • Drama series on United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • 電視節目, 原於2010年1月10日至3月14日期間播出.
  • 廣東話, 輔中/英文字幕.
  • 香港 : 香港電台
  • http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AIei

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