Location | Call Number | Status |
Subject Dept Stocks | Available | |
Teachers' Resources centre | Available |
- v.1 甚麼是歷史?(What is history?)
- v.2 東方與西方(East and West)
- v.3 文明的興起(Rise of civilizations)
- v.4 英雄與神話(Heroes and Myths)
- v.5 希臘城邦(Greek city-states)
- v.11 科學的興起(Rise of Science)
- v.12 新航路的發現(Voyages of Discovery)
- v.13 啓蒙運動(The Enlightenment)
- v.14 法國大革命(The French Revolution)
- v.15 工業革命(The Industrial Revolution)
- v.16 舊帝國與新帝國(Old empires and new empires)
- v.17 歐洲擴張時期的亞洲(由鴉片戰爭至1911)(Asia in the age of European expansion(From the Opium War to 1911)
- v.18 鋼鐵的廣泛使用與軍備競賽(Popular use of steel and the arms race)
- v.19 歐洲的民族主義(European Nationalism)
- v.20 二十世紀歐洲戰爭(The World Wars in Europe)
- v.21 兩次世界大戰期間的亞洲(Asia between the Two World Wars)
- v.22 第二次世界大戰後的國際關係(International relations after World War II)
- v.23 現代生活與環境(Modern life and the environment)
- v.6 羅馬與羅馬帝國(Rome and the Roman Emnpire)
- v.7 希臘與羅馬的遺產(the ligacies of Greece and Rome)
- v.8 中古時代(The middle ages)
- v.9 文藝復興(The Renaissance)
- v.10 宗教改革(The Reformation)
- 中英對照
- 內附23冊
- Building global perspectives : New resources for 23 major topics in world history / Education Bureau.
- 二十世紀歐洲戰爭 = The World Wars in Europe
- 工業革命 = The Industrial Revolution
- 中古時代 = The middle ages
- 文明的興起 = Rise of civilizations
- 文藝復興 = The Renaissance
- 希臘城邦 = Greek city-states
- 希臘與羅馬的遺產 = the ligacies of Greece and Rome
- 兩次世界大戰期間的亞洲 = Asia between the Two World Wars
- 宗教改革 = The Reformation
- 東方與西方 = East and West
- 法國大革命 = The French Revolution
- 甚麼是歷史? = What is history?
- 科學的興起 = Rise of Science
- 英雄與神話 = Heroes and Myths
- 啓蒙運動 = The Enlightenment
- 現代生活與環境 = Modern life and the environment
- 第二次世界大戰後的國際關係 = International relations after World War II
- 新航路的發現 = Voyages of Discovery
- 歐洲的民族主義 = European Nationalism
- 歐洲擴張時期的亞洲(由鴉片戰爭至1911) = Asia in the age of European expansion(From the Opium War to 1911)
- 鋼鐵的廣泛使用與軍備競賽 = Popular use of steel and the arms race
- 舊帝國與新帝國 = Old empires and new empires
- 羅馬與羅馬帝國 = Rome and the Roman Emnpire
- 香港 : 教育局
- 9789888123612 (v.1)
- 9789888123629 (v.2)
- 9789888123636 (v.3)
- 9789888123643 (v.4)
- 9789888123650 (v.5)
- 9789888123667 (v.6)
- 9789888123674 (v.7)
- 9789888123681 (v.8)
- 9789888123698 (v.9)
- 9789888123704 (v.10)
- 9789888123711 (v.11)
- 9789888123728 (v.12)
- 9789888123735 (v.13)
- 9789888123742 (v.14)
- 9789888123759 (v.15)
- 9789888123766 (v.16)
- 9789888123773 (v.17)
- 9789888123780 (v.18)
- 9789888123797 (v.19)
- 9789888123803 (v.20)
- 9789888123810 (v.21)
- 9789888123827 (v.22)
- 9789888123834 (v.23)
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AIyH
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School