看漫畫, 學DNA
羅森菲爾德(Israel Rosenfield), 齊夫(Edward Ziff), 凡倫(Borin Van Loon)著 ; 鄭方逸譯天下遠見, 2013
271 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
中文圖書 | 363.019 7094 | 在架上:: |
- 附中英對照索引.
- 譯自: DNA : a graphic guide to the molecule that shook the world
- A graphic guide to the molecule that shook the world
- DNA : a graphic guide to the molecule that shook the world / by Israel Rosenfield, Edward Ziff, Borin Van Loon.
- 台北市 : 天下遠見
- 9789863201533
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AJNN
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School