Location | Call Number | Status |
Audio Visual Resources | 987.81 1021 | Available |
- [1]艾迪烈美憑著揮灑自如的眞摯演技感動全球觀眾,並揚威多個電影頒奬禮,令這部改編自霍金首任妻子回憶錄的浪漫新經典,冠上更多閃耀光芒。霍金(艾迪烈美 飾)與珍(菲莉絲迪鍾斯 飾)在劍橋大學邂逅、繼而譜出戀曲。
- [2]可惜天意弄人、霍金在21歲時被診斷患上「肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症」,健康將每況愈下,但珍並沒有捨他而去,更在背後支持對方繼續進行科研,終令霍金戰勝頑疾獲得驕人成就。也許,能拆解世上所有難題的方程式,就是「愛」!
- DVD ; Region code: 3 ; dolby digital
- In English, Tahi or Janpanese with optional subtitles in English, traditional Chinese, Cantonese, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesian
- 影片級別 : IIA, 兒童不宜
- The Theory of everything : the extraordinary story of jane and stephen hawking
- The Theory of everything: the extraordinary story of jane and stephen hawking [videorecording]
- Hong Kong dist. by Intercontinental video Ltd
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AJam
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School