Location | Call Number | Status |
Chinese Books | 340 2421 S.3 | Available |
Chinese Books | 340 2421 S.4 | Available |
Chinese Books | 340 2421 S.5 | Available |
Chinese Books | 340 2421 S.6 | Available |
- 中三級(2004-07):化學元素的故鄉
- 為何要研究粒子.
- 中五級(2004-05):服藥須識藥 : 標籤解碼.
- 中五級(2010-11):5CDE班. 服藥須識藥 : 標籤解碼
- 角聲月報三月號 (2008) : 偉人小傳 (具多項發明的英國化學家戴維)
- 中五級(2010-11):S.5B. The Nature of Chemistry
- Oil-too precious to burn?
- Acids and alkalis
- 中五級(2011-12):S.5B. Oil-too precious to burn?
- 中五級(2015-16):服藥須識藥 : 標籤解碼
- 中五級(2016-18):S.5B. Oil-too precious to burn?
- 中六級(2015-16):處方藥安全不安全?
- 中六級(2017-18):Using the alkanes
- 中四級(2004-05):棄置電腦所帶來的污染問題.
- 中四級(2008-09):化學元素的故鄉.
- 中四級(2009-10):Artificial eggs and amazingly light - Magnesium
- 中四級(2010-11):4B-Carbon gets everywhere!
- The Nature of Chemistry
- Salts and crystals
- 中四級(2015-16):The Nature of Chemistry
- 中四級(2016-18):Atoms in everything
- 中四級(2018-19):Purification of drinking water
- 香港 : 聖公會聖三一堂中學
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AGPw
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School