National geographic societyNational Geographic Society, [198-]
錄影光碟1片(約60分鐘) : 有聲, 彩色 ; 4 3/4吋
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
視聽電腦媒體 | 590.9355 6355 | 在架上:: |
- And finally witness the astonishing and heroic victory over fire , as one-by-one the flames are extinguished and damaged wells safely capped. What took nature many thousands of years to create, would be vastly changed in a few weeks.
- On August 2, 1990 Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait, and thus began what is known as the persian Gulf War. The conflict of human forces and machines lasted less than a year. But the war's impact on our natural environment will linger for years.
- Travel with National Geographic and international team of environmentalists and fire fighters to the battle - ravaged desert. Witness some 600 horrifying blazing oil wells, and their devastating effects on the soil and its precious marine and bird popula
- a legacy that will not easily be washed away by THE TIDES OF WAR.
- English & Cantonese Bilingual
- 雙語版本(英語/粵語)
- 譯自 : tides of war
- Washington : National Geographic Society
- http://library.skhhtcss.edu.hk/opac/bib/AEUL
SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School