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Back to school, Mallory

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Tamara Schmitz
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2004

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Mallory on the move

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Tamara Schmitz
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Mallory vs. Max

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Tamara Schmitz
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2005

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Happy birthday, Mallory!

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Tamara Schmitz
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2005

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In business with Mallory

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Barbara Pollak
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2006

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Heart-to-heart with Mallory

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Barbara Pollak
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2006

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Mallory on board

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Barbara Pollak
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2007

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Honestly, Mallory!

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Barbara Pollak
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2007

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Campfire Mallory

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Jennifer Kalis
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2008

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Red, white, & true blue

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Jennifer Kalis
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2009

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Step fourth, Mallory!

by Laurie Friedman ; illustrations by Jennifer Kalis
first avenue editions. Carolrhoda Books, c2008

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Liberal studies teaching kit : 10/11

by [The standard]
The standard, 2010

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Poetry live! : an anthology of Hong Kong poetry, specially selected for use in schools

[selected by David McKirdy & Peter Gordon]
Hong Kong International Literary Festival : Chameleon Press, c2005

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Pride and prejudice

by Jane Austen
reissue edition. Bantam, 2003

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Silas Marner

by George Eliot
reissue edition. Bantam, 2006

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Go around the globe.

Hong Kong Economic Times, 2010

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Scream street : fang of the vampire

Tommy Donbavand
Walker Books, 2008

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Scream street : blood of the witch

Tommy Donbavand
Walker Books, 2008

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Scream street : heart of the mummy

Tommy Donbavand
Walker Books, 2008

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Scream street : skull of the skeleton

Tommy Donbavand
Walker Books, 2009

館藏地 索書號 現狀

SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School