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Inside the water cycle

William B. Rice
Teacheer created materials publishing, c2007

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Max Planck : uncovering the world of matter

Jane Weir
Teacher created materials publishing, c2007

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Isaac Newton and the laws of the universe

Jane Weir
Teacher created materials publishing, c2007

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Gregor Mendel : genetics pioneer

Lynn Van Gorp
Teacher created materials publishing, c2008

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Albert Einstein : gentle genius / Don Herweck.

Teacher created materials publishing, c2007

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The world of elements and their properties

Lynn Van Gorp
Teacher created materials publishing, c2007

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Looking inside cells

Kimberly Fekany Lee
Teacher created materials publishing, c2008

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Cell scientists : discovering how cells work

Kimberly Fekany Lee
Teacher created materials publishing, c2008

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Investigating the chemistry of Atoms

Elizabeth R.C. Cregan
Teacher created materials publishing, c2007

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When I’m feeling loved

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2007

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When I’m feeling angry

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2007

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When I’m feeling jealous

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2007

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When I’m feeling scared

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2005

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When I’m feeling lonely

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2007

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When I’m feeling happy

written and illustrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2005

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When I’m feeling sad

written and illutrated by Trace Moroney
The five mile press, 2005

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Our dumb diary

[Jim Benton]
Scholastic Inc., c2006

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Beastly body experiments

Nich Arnold ; illustrated by Dave Smith
Scholastic Children's books, 2008

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ACCA : exam kit. Paper F5. Performance management (PM)

Kaplan Publishing Foulks Lyuch, c2007-09

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ACCA : exam kit. Paper F7 (int). Financial reporting.

Kaplan Publishing Foulks Lyuch, c2008

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School