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Happy easter, little critter

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1998

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I just forgot

by Mercer Mayer
Random House, c1988

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Just grandma and me

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1975

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Just go to bed

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1983

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Me too!

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1983

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Just going to the dentist

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1990

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Just me and my puppy

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1985

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Just shopping with mom

by Mercer Mayer
Random House, c1989

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Just my friend and me

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1988

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Just me and my little brother

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1991

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Little critter at scout camp

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1991

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Hong Kong budding poets(English) award anthology 2006-07.

Gifted education section and native-speaking English teacher section Education Bureau, [2007]

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Leonardo da Vinci

Stewart Ross
Hodder Wayland, 2004

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Isaac Newton

Paul Mason
Hodder Wayland, 2002

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Amnesty international

Reg Grant
Franklin Watts, c2004

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Reg Grant
Franklin Watts, c2004

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The European union

Jillian Powell
Franklin Watts, c2004

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WWF : the global environment network

Jillian Powell
Franklin Watts, c2004

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Chess : from first moves to checkmate

Daniel King ; edited by Clive Wilson and Vicky Weber
Kingfisher, 2004

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United Nations

Linda Melvern
Franklin Watts, c2004

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School