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A mouse in the house

Vivian French ; illustrated by Tim Archbold
Evan Brothers, 2007

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The yellow balloon

Helen Bird ; illustrated by Simona Dimitri
Evans Brothers, 2005

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Hamish finds himself

Jillian Powell ; illustrated by Belinda Worsley
Evans Brothers, 2005

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I wish I was an Alien

Vivian French ; illustrated by Lisa Williams
Evans Brothers, c2005

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Just me and my babysitter

Mercer Mayer
A Golden Books, c1986

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The thirsty moose

David Orme and Mike Gordon
Evans Brothers, 2004

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Flying South

Alan Durant and Kath Lucas
Evans Brothers, 2005

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Lovely, lovely pirate gold

Scoular Anderson
Evans Brothers, 2007

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Too small

by Kay Woodward ; illustrated by Deborah van de Leijgraaf
Evans Brothers, c2005

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Terry the flying turtle

by Anna Wilson ; illustrated by Mike Gordon
Evans Brothers, c2005

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Tall Tilly

by Jillian Powell ; illustrated by Tim Archbold
Evans Brothers, c2005

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The disappearing cheese

by Paul Harrison ; illustrated by Ruth Rivers
Evans Brothers, 2005

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The cat in the coat

by Vivian French ; illustrated by Alison Bartlett
Evans Brothers, 2005

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Batty, Betty’s spells

by Hilary Robinson ; illustrated by Belinda Worsley
Evans Brothers, 2004

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Idioms made as easy as pie

Philip Leetch ; illustrated by Harry Harrison
SCMP, 2007

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Just for you

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1975

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Just grandpa and me

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1985

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Merry christmas mom and dad

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1999

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Just a toy

by Gina and Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c2000

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Just me and my dad

by Mercer Mayer
A Golden Book, c1975

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School