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Scoop up the moon

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Building nests

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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Friends in the night

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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God of the door

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

The moon’s new dresses

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The sparrow stone

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The leaf fish

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The candy tree

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The paper elephant

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The twig deer

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Big fish

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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My name is green

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The sound from the sea

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The crown of the chicken

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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Pink piglet

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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A gift of love

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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Purple fox

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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The rainbow bus

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

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Crow edgar

[writer]Chang Cheming
Picture Book Shop, 2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

The moon dropped

story by Jin-Lin Jang ; picture by Pei-Wei Chen
Xing-Yang Publishing, 2004

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School