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by Michael Parker
3rd ed.. Addison-Wesley, 1996

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Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott
4th ed.. Addison-Wesley, 1990

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by Michael Parker
3rd ed.. Addison-Wesley, 1996

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Economics : principles, problems and policies

Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue
12th international ed.. McGraw-Hill, 1993

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Paul Wonnacott, Ronald Wonnacott
4th ed.. Addison-Wesley, 1990

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A-Level modern History 1815 to present day

by David Weigall, Michael J. Murphy
3rd ed.. Charles Letts & Co., 1986

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Making & flying kites

by Wolfgang Schimmelpfenning
Hamlyn, 1988

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How to play darts

by Dave Whitcombe
The Hamlyn Group, 1988

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How to improve your bridge

by Alfred Sheinwold
Wilshire Book Co., [199-]

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Goods : sales and securities

by Judith Sihombing
2nd ed.. HKU, 1991

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The amazing mathematical amusement arcade

by Brian Bolt
CUP, 1984

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The essence of small business

by Colin Barrow
Prentice Hall, 1993

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Business associations : an introduction to agency, partnership and company law

by Clement Shum
2nd ed.. Hong KOng Universtiy Press, 1991

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Retailing and distribution : a first course

by Gillian Dale, Graham Banfield
Pitman Publication, 1985

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Advanced Level Accounting : London University Past Exam.ination Papers 1981-1991

by V.A. Osborne
South Asia, [n.d.]

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Intermediate book keeping Q & A past years’ exam. questions with answers 1974–1986

by the Malaysia Commercial Certificate Exam. Editiorial Board
Hillview Publication, 1987

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Modern certificate guides Principles of Accounts

by Betsy Li, Si Kim Tan, Ling Chin Goh
2nd ed.. OUP, 1987

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Basic Accounting

by V.A. Osborne, F.M. Tahir
Hillview, 1987

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Basic Accounting

by Brian Coyle
BPP Publication, 1989

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Intermediate book keeping.

Hillview, 1987

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School