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A collection of prose and poetry on the theme of values

by Michael Spring
Scholastic Inc., 1987

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Certificate compo directory : complete cert compo information

by G. Stuart Nakay
Ultimate, 1988

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A collection of prose and poetry on the theme of adventure and suspense

by Michael Spring
Scholastic, 1987

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A collection of prose and poetry on the theme of tomorrow

by Michael Spring
Scholastic, 1987

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A collection of prose and poetry on the theme of relationships

by Michael Spring
Scholastic Inc., 1987

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Short stories

by Marjorie Burns, Alice Sherman
Scholastic, 1990

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Common errors in spoken English

by John Platt
The Commerical, 1990

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Grammar practice for elementary students

by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth
Langman, 1994

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Speaking effectively

by Adelaide Chan
Educational, 1991

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Common errors in focus

by Alan Tse
Hong Kong Educational, 1988

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Correct usage in written English

by Nigel D. Turton
Commercial Press, 1989

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Grammar practice for intermediate students

by Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth
Longman, 1994

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A guide to English usage

by Stephen Evans
Youth Bookroom, 1988

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A handbook of vocabulary and expressions for certificate composition

by Anne Greenwood, Annette Turner, Kam Sun Hon
City Educational, 1989

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Useful expressions and vocabulary for English compositions

by T.W. Cheng
Foundation, 1982

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Longman English grammar practice

by L.G. Alexander
Longman, 1990

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Source words for compo

by Peter Chow
Ultimate, 1986

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English problem words

by George Jenkins
1st ed.. Commercial Press, 1990

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Good English spelling

by Yin Bing Leung
Educational, 1991

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300 problems in English

by Ronald Chiu
Foundation, 1980

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School