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Sugar and candy

Elizabeth Laird
Heinemann, 1992

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Lucky number

John Milne
Heinemann, 1992

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The magic barber

John Milne
Heinemann, 1992

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Paradise island

Norman Whitney
Heinemann, 1993

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The fireboy

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1991

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Karen E. Spiller
Heinemann, 1991

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Between two worlds

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1991

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Star picture

John Escott
Heinemann, 1991

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The troy stone

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1990

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Marcel and the white star

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1990

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The last photo

Bernard Smith
Longman, 1989

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Flying home

Stephen Rabley
Longman, 1989

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The mice and the cat

Carol Barnett
Oxford Univesity Press, 1983

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The boy and the wolf

Carol Barnett
Oxford University Press, 1983

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The boy and the donkey

Carol Barnett
Oxford University Press, 1983

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All about us : how I met my friend Boris

Shelagh Rixon
Phoenix, 1995

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Goldilocks and the three bears

Carol Barnett
Oxford University Press, 1983

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The story of Chicken Licken and the three billy goats gruff

Shelagh Rixon
Phoenix, 1995

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Boris’s quiet Walk and count Horror’s car

Shelagh Rixon
Phoenix, 1995

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The leopard and the lighthouse

Anne Collins
Longman, 1995

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School