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The paper chase

Dianne Stewart ; illustrated by Lis Toft
Heinemann, 1991

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Sue Leather and Marje Brash
Heinemann, 1991

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Kate’s revenge

Philip Prowse
Heinemann, 1991

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The smiling Buddha

Michael Palmer
Heinemann, 1989

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Sheela and the robbers

John Escott
Heinemann, 1989

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Murder at Mortlock Hall

Donald Dallas
Heinemann, 1989

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The emperor’s new clothes

Hans Andersen
Longman, 1986

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The four musicians

from the Brother Grimm
England, 1986

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from the Brothers Grimm
Longman, 1986

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Mr Pobee’s poda poda

Omojowo V. Lawson ; illustrated by Gary Rees
Heinemann, 1996

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Mr Kalogo’s factory

Paulinos Vincent Magombe ; illustrated by Mei-Yim Low
Heinemann, 1994

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The empty water tank

Michael Lawson Brown ; illustrated by Tony Morris
Heinemann, 1996

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The brownes go on holiday

Jerry Jennings
Macmillian, 1996

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Wanted : Anna Marker

Kris Anderson ; illustrations by Gary Long
Longman, 1995

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Lost in New York

John Escott ; illustrations by Lyn Bruce
Longman, 1995

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John Wyndham ; retold by Robin Waterfield
Penguin, 1993

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The earthquake

Elizabeth Laird ; illustrations by Liz Roberts
Longman, 1991

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The coldest place on earth

Tim Vicary
Oxford University, 1992

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The president’s murderer

Jennifer Bassett
Oxford University Press, 1991

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Where is Paula?

Diana Mitchen
Phoenix, 1991

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School