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Britney Spears : backstage pass

Jan Gabriel
scholastic, 1999

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Ricky Martin : backstage pass

Kimberly Walsh
scholastic, 1999

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GASP : a guide to a cleaner greener Hong Kong

written for A Better Living Environment (Hong Kong) Charity Ltd.,by Philip Stride and Jackie Leung ; cartoons by Peter Bolt
a better living environment (HK) Charity Ltd., 1999

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Business @ the speed of thought

Bill Gates ; retold by Stephen Bryant ; edited by Mike Dean ; consultant editor David Evans ; series editors Andy Hopkins, Jocelyn Potter
Penguin, 2001

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Barbarians at the gate

Bryan Burrough, John Helyar ; retold by Chris Faram ; edited by Jacqueline Kehl ; consultant editor David Evans ; series editors Andy Hopkins, Jocelyn Potter
Penguin, 2000

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The diary of a young girl

Anne Frank
Pearson, 1999

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Ricky Martin

Rod Smith
Pearson, 2000

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Jennifer’s diary

Anne Fine ; illustrated by Kate Aldous
Penguin, 1996

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witten and illustrated by Mike Venezia
Childrens, 1991

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Da Vinci

written and illustrated by Mike Venezia
Childrens, 1989

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Only a show

Anne Fine ; illustrations by Strawberrie Donnelly
Penguin, 1998

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The worst child I ever had

Anne Fine ; illustrated by Clara Vulliamy
Penguin, 1991

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The diary of a killer cat

Anne Fine ; illustrated by Steve Cox
Penguin, 1994

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A girl named Helen Keller

Margo Lundell
Scholastic, 1995

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Just a few words, Mr. Lincoln : the story of the Gettyburg Address

by Jean Fritz ; illustrated by Charles Robinson
Grosset & Dunlap, 1993

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NBA action from A to Z

by James Preller
Scholastic, 1997

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Eureka! It’s an airplane

by Jeanne Bendick ; illustrations and design by Sal Murdocca
Scholastic, 1992

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Dribble, shoot, score!

Joe Layden
Scholastic, 1997

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Esio Trot

Roald Dahl ; illustrations by Qurntin Blake
Puffin, 1990

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Stranger danger?

Anne Fine ; illustrated by Jean Baylis
Puffin, 1989

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School