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Hong Kong seaweeds

by I.J. Hodgkiss, K.Y. Yee
Urban Council, 1983

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Hong Kong herbs and vines

text by S.L. Thrower ; ill. by Hune-Cheung Tang
The Government Printer, 1976

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Hong Kong food plants

by S.Y. Zee, L.H. Hui
Urban Council, 1981

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Hong Kong freshwater fishes

by I.J. Hodgkiss
Urban Council, 1978

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Hong Kong poisonous plants

by Mang Hang Ho
Urban Council, 1981

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Times concise dictionary English idioms

by B. A. Phythian
Federal Publication, 1986

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Cambridge illustrated thesaurus of Biology

by Anne C. Gutteridge
University of Cambridge, 1983

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Longman English-Chinese illustrated dictionary of Biology

by Neil Curits
Librairie du Liban & Longman Group, 1991

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Longman guide to English usage

by Sidney Greenbaum, Janet Whitcut
Longman, 1988

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Dictionary of English phrasal verbs & their idioms

Tom Mcarthun, Berryl Atkors
PanPacific, 1975

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A dictionary of catch idioms

translated by Yee Shuen Chong
Commercial Press, 1980

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Longman learners dictationary of idiomatic English (English-Chinese)

by Clare Vickers
Longman, 1988

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Oxford photo dictationary

by Jane Taylor
OUP, 1991

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Oxford dictionary of current idiomatic English

by A.P. Cowie, R. Mackin
OUP, 1975,1983

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Roget’s thesaurus

by Peter Mark Roget..New ed. prepared by Susan M
Essex, 1982

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The New Lin Yu Tang Chinese-English dictionary

by Lai Ming, Lin Tai-yi
Panorama Press, 1987

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English business dictionary

by P.H. Collin
Peter Collin, 1986

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Business studies dictionary

by M. Steer
Pitman, 1985

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Population education teacher’s handbook

by Alice Lam... [et al.]
The Family Planning Association, 1977

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Longman dictionary of business English

by J.H. Adam
Longman, 1982

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School