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Collins cobuild English grammar

by John Sinclair and others
Collins, 1990

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Collins cobuild dictionary of phrasal verbs

by John Sinclair....and others
Collins, 1989

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Cobuild student’s dictionary and grammar

edited by John Sinclair
Collins, 1994

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Oxford intermediate learner’s English-Chinese dictionary

A.S. Hornby, E.C. Parnwell 編著 ; 李北達, 趙淑賢, 鄭贊臣 編譯
Revised edition. OUP, 1990

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The right word at the right time : a guide to the English language and how to use it

by John Ellison Kahn...[et al.]
Reader's Digest, 1985

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Webster’s universal dictionary and thesaurus

New edition. Tormont, 1993

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Oxford advanced learner’s English-Chinese dictionary

A.S. Hornby ; 李北達 編譯
4th edition. OUP, 1994

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The new Oxford picture dictionary

by E.C. Parnwell ; translated by Hsiao-yiing Liu
English/Chinese ed.. Oxford, 1989

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Use the right word : modern guide to synonyms and related words

edited by the editors of the Reader's Digest, the Funk & Wagnalls dictionary staff
Reader's Digest Association Far East, 1975

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Longman active study dictionary of English

by Della Summers ; translated by Chow Kwok Chun... and others
New ed.. Longman, 1990

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Longman new junior English dictionary

New edition. Longman, 1993

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Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English

by A. P. Cowie
Encyclopedic ed.. Oxford, 1992

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Longman synonym dictionary

by Laurence Urdang... [et al.]
Longman, 1986

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Longman new junior English-Chinese dictionary

林相周, 黃均 譯
Longman, 1993

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Collins cobuild English language dictionary

by John Sinclair...[et al.]
HarperCollins, 1992[reprinted]

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Swiss family Robinson

by J.R. Wyss ; retold by Harry Stanton ; illustrated by Brian Price Thomas
Ladybird, 1979

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English/Chinese : visual dictionary

by Jean-Claude Corbeil
Reader's Digest, 1988

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The happy prince

Oscar Wilde ; ill. by Otad Janecek
The hamlyn publishing group, 1968

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Twin, 1986

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The happy prince and other stories

by Oscar Wilde ; retold by Marie Stuart ; illustrated by Gwen Tourret, Shirley Tourret
Ladybird Books, 1983

館藏地 索書號 現狀

SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School