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Chinese brush painting

by Pauline Cherrett
Apple, 1991

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The creative book of decorations

by Suzie Major
Salamander Books, 1987

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The creative book of pressed flowers

by Mary Lawrence
Salamander Books, 1988

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An introduction to calligraphy

by George Evans
Apple Press, 1987

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The creative book of decorative painting

by Juliet Bawden
Salamander Books, 1988

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Oodles of noooodles fun

by Mary Margaret Hite ; designed by Maria N. Filsosa
Hot off the press, 1994

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Fimo brilliantly coloured material for creative modelling

Eberhard Faber Gmbh, 1982

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Lovable mini-dolls

by Terumi Otaka
Ondorisha, 1982

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Paper ribbon bows the finishing touch

by Sandy Dye
Plaid Enterprises, 1988

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Adventures in celluclay : instant papier mache

by Betty Jetton
Activea, 1967

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The creative book of gift wrapping

by Rosalind Burdett
Salamander, 1987

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More adventures in celluclay : instant papier mache bk.2

by Dorothy Davenport
Celluclay Co., 1969

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by Jack Buchan
Paul Hamlyn, 1991

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Coloured pencil drawing techniques

by Iain Hutton Jamieson
Studio Viista, 1991

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Presentation techniques for the graphic artist : how to sell your ideas eeffectively

by Jenny Mulherin
Phaidon, 1989

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Origami and papercraft, a step-by-step guide

by Paul Jackson, Vivien Frank
Apple Press, 1989

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Clay modelling for everyone

by Peter D. Johnson
Search Press, 1991

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by J.A. Christensen
Watson-Guptill Publication, 1989

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Greeting cards

by Annette Claxton
Salamander Book, 1989

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Contemporary architecture in Hong Kong

compiled by Chung Wah Nan
[1st ed.] / by Robert H. Collis.. Joint, 1989

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School