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Useful expressions and vocabulary for English compositions

by T.W. Cheng
Foundation, 1982

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Longman English grammar practice

by L.G. Alexander
Longman, 1990

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Source words for compo

by Peter Chow
Ultimate, 1986

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English problem words

by George Jenkins
1st ed.. Commercial Press, 1990

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Good English spelling

by Yin Bing Leung
Educational, 1991

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The hunchback of Notre Dame

by Victor Hugo
World International Publishing Ltd., 1985

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300 problems in English

by Ronald Chiu
Foundation, 1980

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Ceaznne and his art

by Nicholas Wadley
Hamlyn, 1975

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Picasso and his art

by Denis Thomas
Hamlyn, 1975

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Michelangelo and his art

John Furse
Hamlyn, 1975

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The Artist’s Manual Equipment ,Materials Techniques

by Stan Smith, H.F. Ten Holt
Macdonald, 1983

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An introduction to drawing and painting with pastels

by Diana Constance
Apple Press, 1990

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Chinese brush painting

by Pauline Cherrett
Apple, 1991

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The creative book of decorations

by Suzie Major
Salamander Books, 1987

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The creative book of pressed flowers

by Mary Lawrence
Salamander Books, 1988

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An introduction to calligraphy

by George Evans
Apple Press, 1987

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The creative book of decorative painting

by Juliet Bawden
Salamander Books, 1988

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Oodles of noooodles fun

by Mary Margaret Hite ; designed by Maria N. Filsosa
Hot off the press, 1994

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Fimo brilliantly coloured material for creative modelling

Eberhard Faber Gmbh, 1982

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Lovable mini-dolls

by Terumi Otaka
Ondorisha, 1982

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School