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Sunnyvista city

Peter Viney
Oxford University Press, 1996

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Life Lines

Peter Viney
Oxford University Press, 1996

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The room in the tower and other ghost stories

Josephy Sheridan Le Fanu, Rudyard Kipling, E. F. Benson ; retold by Carolyn Jones and Derek Strange
Penguin, 1993

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Grandad’s eleven

Jeremy Taylor
Penguin, 1995

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Lady portia’s revenge and other stories

David Evans
Heinemann, 1993

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The gold lasso

Stephen Rabley ; illustrations by Chris Ryley
2nd ed.. Longman, 1992

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A christmas carol

Charles Dickens ; retold by F. H. Cornish
Heinemann, 1993

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The railway children

Edith Nesbit ; retold by John Escoth
Oxford University Press, 1993

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Room 13 and other ghost stories

M. R. James ; retold by Stephen Colbourn
Heinemann, 1992

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Don’t tell me what to do

Michael Hardcastle ; retold by Philip King
2nd ed.. Heinemann, 1992

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Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe ; retold by Diane Mowat
Oxford University Press, 1993

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John Landon
2nd ed.. Heinemann, 1992

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Fung Shui : an ancient story

by Robin Ross
Sing Tao, 1989

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The climb

John Escott ; illustrations by Jon Sayer
Longman, 1992

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Mystery on mallorca

Alan C. McLean
Heinemann, 1991

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A strange green ball

by Kate McRae
Witman, 1987

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Inspector fung, detective

by Penny Cameron
Witman, 1984

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Voodoo island

Michael Duckworth
Oxford University Press, 1989

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Chinese myths. 1

Penny Cameron
Witman, 1987

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Photo of the tall man

Stephen Rabley ; illustrated by Chris Priestley
Longman, 1988

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School