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The x’ed-out x-ray

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2005

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The white wolf

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2004

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The vampire’s vacation

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2004

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The unwilling umpire

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2004

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The talking T.Rex

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2003

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The school skeleton

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2003

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The runaway racehorse

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2002

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The quicksand question

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2002

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The panda puzzle

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2002

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The orange outlaw

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2001

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The ninth nugget

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2001

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The missing mummy

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2001

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The lucky lottery

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2000

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The jaguar’s jewel

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 2000

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The Invisible island

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1999

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The haunted hotel

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1999

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The falcon’s feathers

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1998

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The empty envelope

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1998

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The deadly dungeon

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1998

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The canary caper

by Ron Roy ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Random House, 1998

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School