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Great football stories : football babylon

Russ Williams
Pearson, 2000

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Brad pitt

Nancy Taylor
Pearson, 2000

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Prince william

John Escott
Pearson, 1998

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Jennifer Lopez

Rod Smith
Pearson, 2000

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Leonardo DiCaprio

Brent Furnas
Pearson, 1998

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The royal family

Cherry Gilchrist
Penguin, 1999

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The road ahead

Bill Gates ; with Nathan Myhrvold, Peter Rinearson
Penguin, 1999

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Princess Diana

Cherry Gilchrist
Penguin, 1999

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The berenstain bears : lost in cyberspace

by the Berenstains(Stan Berenstain & Jan Berenstain)
Random house, 1999

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Tonight on the Titanic

by Mary Pope Osborne ; illustrated by Sal Murdocca
Random house, 1999

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Mastering the art of leadership : Gems of chinese wisdom

by Wang Xuan Ming ; translated by Leong Weng Kam
1st ed.. Asiapac, 1993

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Chicken soup for the pet lover’s soul : stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes and friends

by Jack Canfield
Health Communciations Inc., 1998c

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A 5th portion of chicken soup for the soul : 101 more stories to open the heart and rekindle the spirit

by Jack Canfield, Mack Victor Hansen
Health Communications Inc., 1998c

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Now we are six

A.A. Milne(Alan Alexander)
Penguin, 1992

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Diana : Her True Story

Andrew Morton
Pocket Books, 1992

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Bookworm busybody

editorial advisors J. Waldron, Dr Laina Ho
Bookworm Consultants, 1992

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Young Abraham Lincoln : Log-Cabin President

by Andrew Woods ; illustrated by Pat Schories
Troll Assoication, 1992

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Young George Washington : America’s first President

by Andrew Woods ; illustrated by John Himmelman
Troll Association, 1992

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Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain ; simplified by D.K. Swan ; illustrated by Jacqui Campbell
Longman Group, 1994

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by R.L. Stevenson ; simplified by D.K. Swan ; illustrated by Mike Codd
Longman Group, 1993

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School