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伊莉莎白女王與路易十四 : 絕對君主專制的時代

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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拿破崙與激烈變動中的歐洲 : 產業革命與法國革命

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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希特勒與第二次世界大戰 : 第二次世界大戰

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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文藝復興與大航海時代 : 近世歐洲

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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美國與動盪不安的世界 : 大恐慌時代

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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美國的獨立與南北戰爭 : 美利堅合眾國的發展

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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文明的起源與金字塔 : 古代的東方

集英社編著 ; 古城武司畫 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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集英社編著 ; 劉君祖編 ; 蔡志忠監修
牛頓, 1988

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新雅, 1988

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Biology : a functional approach study guides

Julian Brightman, Stella Parker
2nd ed.. Thomas Nelson, 1988

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Biology : a functional approach students’ manual

M.B.V. Roberts, T.J. King
ELBS of 2nd ed.. Nelson, 1988

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Man and his environment : a booklet based on papers presented at a school 6th form symposium

by W.F. Wong
Institute of Biology (Hong Kong Branch), 1988

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Volcanoes and earthquakes

by Terry Jennings
OUP, 1988 (reprint 1991)

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by Terry Jennings
OUP, 1988 (reprint 1990)

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Oceans and seas

by Terry Jennings
OUP, 1988 (reprint 1991)

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Paper ribbon bows the finishing touch

by Sandy Dye
Plaid Enterprises, 1988

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The creative book of decorative painting

by Juliet Bawden
Salamander Books, 1988

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The creative book of pressed flowers

by Mary Lawrence
Salamander Books, 1988

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日本七寶教室, 1988

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s.n., 1988

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SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School