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著者 Greer, Gery.
題名 Billy the ghost and me / story by Gery Greer and Bob Ruddick ; pictures by Roger Roth.
出版 New York : HarperCollins, 1997.
稽核項 48 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.
叢書 An I can read chapter book.
附註 Reading Level: F2.
提要 Young Sarah, with the help of her friend Billy the Ghost, proves herself a deputy by planning the perfect capture of two bank robbers in her Western town of Castus Junction.
主題 Fiction.
主題 Junior Teens' Reader (Fiction).
科目 ERS 英文廣泛閱讀計劃.
其他著者 Roth, Roger.
其他著者 Ruddick, Bob.
ISBN 0064442144.

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ERS | 英文廣泛閱讀計劃 F GRE Available | 在架上
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