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索書號: 310 9345

簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

310 9345
    給青年數學家的信 / 伊恩.史都華 (Ian Stewart)著 ; 李隆生譯. 2008.. 310 9345.  
310 9644
    用直覺了解數學 / {????}村洋太郎著 ; 林立國譯. 2005[民94]. 310 9644.  
310 DAU
    Data collection / Richard Daugherty ; edited by Brian P. FitzGerald. 1974 310 DAU.  
310 DAV
    Data description and presentation / by Peter Davis ; edited by Brian P. FitzGerald. 1974. 310 DAV.  
310 FIT
    Developments in geographical method / written and edited by Brian P. Fitzgerald. 1978 310 FIT.  
310 HAM
    Quantitative techniques in Geography : an introduction / by Robert Hammond, Patrick McCullagh. 1978 310 HAM.  
310 MCC
    Data use and interpretation / Patrick McCullagh ; edited by Brian P. Fitzgerald.. 1974 (reprint 1984) 310 MCC.  
310 SAU
    Advanced techniques and statistics / by Philip Sauvain. 1972. 310 SAU.  
310.1 0128
    歸納與遞推 / 顏同照著. 1977. 310.1 0128.  
310.1 1074
    數學與猜想 : 情理模式 / 波利亞著 ; 李心炖譯. 1984. 310.1 1074.  
    數學與猜想 : 歸納和類比 / 波利亞著 ; 李心炖譯. 1984. 310.1 1074.  

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