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啓動搜尋器  啓動

索書號: 595.97 0023

簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

595.97 0023
    陸上霸王 / {????}土著. 1999 595.97 0023.  
595.99 1010
    中國古代兵器 / 王兆春著. 1994. 595.99 1010.  
596 ROB
    Animal types 2 : vertebrates / by Maureen A. Robinson, Judith F. Wiggins. 1971 596 ROB.  
596.6 7408
    世界特種部隊大全 : The encyclopedia of the world's sprcial forces / Mike Ryan, Chris Mann, Alexander Stilwell等著. 2005. 596.6 7408.  
597 1490
    航空母艦, 兩棲攻擊艦和艦載機百科全書 = Aircraft Carriers : the world's greatest naval vessels and their aircraft / 克里斯.畢曉普[Chris Bishop], 克里斯.錢特[Chris Chant]著 ; 張國良, 姚寶珍, 穆定平譯. 2016. 597 1490.  
597 BUR
    The life of fishes / adapted by Louise M. Moyle from the original text by Maurice Burton. 1976. 597 BUR.  
597 CHI
    Chief great raven / retold by Feana Tuakoi ; illustrated by Freya Blackwood. 2002. 597 CHI.  
597 FAU
    Sea creatures / Anne Faundez. 2006. 597 FAU.  
597 HAG
    Spoiled by oil / Mandy Hager ; illustrated by Matt Gauldie. 2002. 597 HAG.  
    Wood stork swamp / Mandy Hager ; illustrated by Annabel Craighead. 2002. 597 HAG.  
597 MAN
    Hong Kong freshwater fishes / by Man Shek-hay, I.J. Hodgkiss. 1981 597 MAN.  
    Hong Kong goldfish / by Man Shek-hay. 1982 597 MAN.  
    Hong Kong goldfish / by Shek-hay Man. 1982 597 MAN.  

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