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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

An atlas of invertebrate structure
    An atlas of invertebrate structure / by W.H. Freeman, Brian Bracegirdle. 1971 592 FRE.  
An atlas of plant structure
    An atlas of plant structure / by Brian Bracegirdle, Patricia H. Miles. 1971. 578 BRA.  
The atlas of the prehistoric world
    史前地球圖解百科 = The atlas of the prehistoric world / 道格拉斯.鮑莫(Douglas Palmer)著 ; [侯維之 ... [等]譯]. 2000. 352 1078.  
Atlas of the world
    世界地圖集. 2002. 716 4471.  
The atlas of water : mapping the world's most critical resource
    水資源地圖 = the atlas of water / 瑪姬.布拉克(Maggie Black), 珍奈特.金(Jannet King)著 ; 王惟芬譯. 2012. 554.61 1702.  
Atlas van de Belevingswereld
    心圖 : 探索熟悉又全新的世界 / Louise van Swaaij, Jean Klare著 ; Ilja Mase, Saskia Sombeek引言 ; 王碧珠譯. 2000. 170 9500.  
The atmosphere in motion
    The atmosphere in motion [videorecording] / Sinostar Ltd. 1998? ????  
Atmosphere 大氣層
    The planets [videorecording] = 日月星宿 / BBC Worldwide Limited ; written & produced by David McNab...[et. al]. 2003. 523.4 PLA.  
The atmospheric system : an introduction to meteorology and climatology
    The atmospheric system : an introduction to meteorology and climatology / by Greg O'Hare, John Sweeney. 1990. 551.5 OHA.  
Atomic Structure (unit 2
    Independent learning project for advanced Chemistry ILPAC S units / project directed by Colin Robertson. 1983 541.2 IND.  

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