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Blind date
    Blind date / by R.L. Stine. ???? F STI.  
Blind man's bluff
    Davey and Goliath : blind man's bluff / dapted by Sue Wright. 2005. F WRI.  
The blind men and the elephant
    The blind men and the elephant / retold by karen Backstein ; illustrated by Annie Mitra. 1992. F BAC.  
Blinded by the light
    Blinded by the light / by Sherry Ashworth. 2003. F ASH.  
    Blitz / by David Orme. 2004. F ORM.  
The blitzed Brits
    雞飛狗跳的英倫大轟炸 : 强敵進犯的戰時歲月 = The blitzed Brits / 泰瑞.狄利(Terry Deary)著 ; 李桐豪譯. 2005. 740.274 3407.  
Block elements (I unit 1
    Independent learning project for advanced Chemistry ILPAC I units / project directed by Colin Robertson. 1983 546 IND.  
Block Scheduling
    獅子會中學 : 長時段排課方式有助學與教的成效研究報告. 2004. ????  
    黑名單 = Hit list / 勞倫斯.卜洛克(Lawrence Block)著 ; 林大容譯. 2003. 889 1702.  
    無聊學 = Moliu ology / 潘詠堅著. 2008. 855.48 3216.  

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