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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Centenary records : coup
    百年政變檔案 / 高金虎, 韓叢耀編著. 民90[2001]. 712.8 0022.  
Centenary records : diplomacy
    百年外交檔案 / 高金虎, 韓叢耀編著. 民90[2001]. 714.8 0022.  
Centenary records : spy
    百年間諜檔案 / 高金虎, 韓叢耀編著. 民90[2001]. 712.8 0022.  
Centenary records : terrorism
    百年恐怖檔案 / 高金虎, 韓叢耀編著. 民90[2001]. 712.8 0022.  
Centenary records : war
    百年戰事檔案 / 高金虎, 韓叢耀編著. 民90[2001]. 592.91 0022.  
    Central / by Don Moser. 1975 917.28 MOS.  
Centuries of stories : new stories for a new millennium
    Centuries of stories : new stories for a new millennium / edited by Wendy Cooling. 2000. F CEN.  
A century of commitment : the KCRC story
    百載流芳, 情繫香江 = A century of commitment : the KCRC story / written by Peter Moss. [2009]. 557.25 8099.  
A century of Hong Kong roads and streets
    港島街道百年 = A century of Hong Kong roads and streets / 鄭寶鴻編著. 2000 673.83 8742.  
A century of Kowloon roads and streets
    九龍街道百年 = A century of Kowloon roads and streets / 鄭寶鴻, 佟寶銘編著. 2000 673.83 8742.  

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