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啓動搜尋器  啓動


簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Codename dragon
    Codename dragon / by Richard Sherwood, Ian Smallwood. 2001. F SHE.  
Cogent composition in Chinese
    作文天書 : 會考中國語文科完全作文攻略手冊 / 蕭志勇, 李德康編著. 2005. 802.7 4422.  
Cold and temperate lands
    Cold and temperate lands / by Trevor Marchington. 1977 910.912 MAR.  
Cold comfort farm
    Cold comfort farm / Stella Gibbons ; retold by Clare West. 2000. F WES.  
The coldest place on earth
    The coldest place on earth / Tim Vicary. 1992. F VIC.  
The coldest places
    The coldest places / Heather Hammonds. 2010. 551 HAM.  
A collechion of best Chinese folk song
    中國優秀民歌代表集 / 陳健華編配 ; 黃飛然譯. 1974. 913.5 7529.  
A collection of famous speeches
    感動世界的聲音 : 史上最具影響力的演講 = A collection of famous speeches / Cosmos Language Workshop作. 2010 811 5333.  
A collection of interesting ideas to fill those spare moments
    動動腦,數學會更好 = A collection of interesting ideas to fill those spare moments / 喬恩.米林登(Jon Millington)著 ; 蔡承志譯. 2006[民95]. 997.6 8477.  
Collection of photographs by Hong Kong NPC representatives and CPPCC members attending celebrations for the 60 the founding anniversary of the PRC in Beijing
    盛世華章 : 港區部份全國人大代表、政協委員出席北京60周年國慶盛典攝影集 / [編輯《盛世華章》編輯委員會]. 2010. 628.7 5310.  

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