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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Collection of speeches and papers from the seminars on Hong Kong history
    歷史與文化 : 香港史研究公開講座文集 / 李光雄...[等編輯]. 2005. 673.82 4040.  
A collection of speechs and papers from the lectures on humanities, science and technology by comtemporary eminent scholars
    當代傑出學人文史、科技公開演講文集 = A collection of speechs and papers from the lectures on humanities, science and technology by comtemporary eminent scholars. 2004. 073 9060.  
A collection of stories : tales one
    A collection of stories : tales one / Geoffrey Summerfield ; illustrated by Per Dahlb-erg...and others. ???? F SUM.  
Collective memories in movie posters
    電影海報集體回憶 = Collective memories in movie posters / [傅慧儀(Winne Fu)編]. 2007. 987.7 1071.  
Collins CDT
    Design and communication / by K. Crampton, M. Finney. 1989 680 CRA.  
    Design and realisation / by C. Chapman, M. Peace. 1988 680 CHA.  
    Technology / by P. Fowler, M. Horsley . 1988. 680 FOW.  
Collins cobuild dictionary of phrasal verbs
    Collins cobuild dictionary of phrasal verbs / by John Sinclair....and others. 1989. 428.203 COL.  
Collins cobuild English grammar
    Collins cobuild English grammar / by John Sinclair and others. 1990. 428.203 COL.  
Collins cobuild English language dictionary
    Collins cobuild English language dictionary / by John Sinclair...[et al.]. 1992[reprinted]. 423 COL.  
Collins cobuild student's grammar
    Collins cobuild 學生英語語法 / [edited by John Sinclair ; 郭奕勤, 任紹曾譯]. 2004. 805.16 2077.  
Collins cobuild 學生英語語法
    Collins cobuild 學生英語語法 / [edited by John Sinclair ; 郭奕勤, 任紹曾譯]. 2004. 805.16 2077.  

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