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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Comprehensive exercises in Additional Mathematics
    Comprehensive exercises in Additional Mathematics / by M.Y. Tsui. 1985. 510 TSU.  
Comprehensive exercises in Physics
    Comprehensive exercises in Physics / by K.W. Tso, C.Y. Ng, H.T. Chan. 1989. 530 COM.  
A comprehensive guide to principles of Accounts 'O' level questions & answers
    A comprehensive guide to principles of Accounts 'O' level questions & answers / by Kim Choo You. 1986. 657 YOU.  
A comprehensive guide to writing theses, dissertations, and research papers
    中英論文寫作綱要與體例 : 研究報告與英文書信規範 / 葉乃嘉著 = A comprehensive guide to writing theses, dissertations, and research papers / by Naichia Yeh. 2005. 811.4 4490.  
Comprehensive review of certificate level Biology
    Comprehensive review of certificate level Biology / by P.K. Ho. 1983. 574 HOK.  
Comprehensive review of higher level Biology
    Comprehensive review of higher level Biology / by P.K. Ho, Y.C. Cheung. 1982 574 HOK.  
Computer and information technology
    電腦與資訊科技科 : 香港中學會考 : 考試報告及試題專輯 / 香港考試及評核局. 2005-. R312.9037 2060.  
Computer science : a structured programming approach using C
    Computer science : a structured programming approach using C++ / Behrouz Forouzan, Richard Gilberg. 2000. 005.1 FOR.  
Computer structures : principles and examples
    Computer structures : principles and examples / Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon Bell, Allen Newell. 1982 621.3819 SIE.  
Computer studies
    Computer studies / 香港考試及研究. 2001. R312.9037 2081.  
    香港中學會考模擬考試 : 數學, additional mathematics, computer studies, 物理, 化學, 生物 / 香港考試及研究. [2001] R310.37 2060.  

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