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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Computer-assisted instruction Hong Kong Software
    學習如此多紛 [電子資料]. 第一輯 = Fun with learning. Series 1 / 香港教育署課程發展處, 香港電腦教育學會, 香港理工大學電子計算學系. 1996. 521.53 7740.  
Computer graphics
    電腦創意生活必學 : 名片,卡片,月曆DIY / 陳泳澤著. 2000 312.986 7529.  
    影像處理必學 : 掃描,合成,特效,圖庫應用 / 林振宇著. 2000 312.98 4499.  
Computer network resources
    如何進入電子資訊高速公路 / Les Freed and Frank J. Derfler編著. 1995. 312.9165 5744.  
Computer network resources Hong Kong Directories
    Internet / GOTOP編著. 1996. 312.9165 6030.  
Computer science Outlines, syllabi, etc
    Technology education key learning area : information and communication technology curriculum and assessment guide (secondary 4-6) / jointly prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. [2007] 373.2 TEC.  
Computer science Study and teaching (Secondary) China Hong Kong
    bb 也上網手冊 / 張佩思編. 1996. 312.9165 4471.  
    Internet教與學 / 梁有貞著. 1999. 312.9165 3390.  
    Technology education key learning area : information and communication technology curriculum and assessment guide (secondary 4-6) / jointly prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority. [2007] 373.2 TEC.  
    開學熱身操 / Dr. Wong. 1999. 312.9165 4480.  
    電腦教學網址大全 / 黃秉華編. 1998 312.91695 1071.  
Computer security
    電腦求生術必學 : 防毒,解毒,當機處理 / 陳泳澤, 鄭伯鴻著. 2000 312.925 7529.  
Computer viruses
    電腦求生術必學 : 防毒,解毒,當機處理 / 陳泳澤, 鄭伯鴻著. 2000 312.925 7529.  
Conduct of life
    Chicken soup for the little soul : 3 colorful stories to warm the hearts of children / story adaptations by Lisa McCourt ; illustrated by Pat Grant Porter, Bert Dodson, Mary O'Keefe Young. 2000. 158 CAN.  
    Chicken soup for the preteen soul : 101 stories of changes, choices and growing up for kids ages 9-13 / [compiled by] Jack Canfield ... [et al.]. 2000. 158 CHI.  
    以德育人之活學思源 : 學生版 / 教育局課程發展處德育及公民教育組. 2009. 528.55391 2810.  
    傳誦中華文化思考現代人生 : 教學資源 / 教育局課程發展處德育及公民教育組. 2009. 630 2524.  
    誰說家長一定是好人 / 呂大樂. 2002. 528.2 6060.  
    孔子 / 張玲霞著 ; 林源堯繪圖. 2007. 121.23 1241.  

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