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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Death comes as the end
    死亡終局 / by Agatha Christie ; 三毛主編 ; 張國禎譯. 1983. 889 2074.  
Death comes for the archbishop
    總主教之死 / by Willa Cather ; 王敬羲譯. 1965. 889 2030.  
Death in the freezer
    Death in the freezer / Tim Vicary. 2000. F VIC.  
The death of a bookworm
    書虫的少年時代 = The death of a bookworm / [天航著 ; Kim Minji插畫]. 2011. 857 4480.  
Death of a pop star
    Death of a pop star / Peter Etherton. 1990. F ETH.  
The death of Karen Silkwood
    The death of Karen Silkwood / Joyce Hannam. 2000. F HAN.  
The death of lincoln : a picture History of the assassination
    The death of lincoln : a picture History of the assassination / Leroy Hayman. ???? F HAY.  
Death on the Nile
    Death on the Nile / Agatha Christie. 1998. F CHR.  
Death Star battles
    Star wars. Death Star battles / written by Simon Beecroft. 2010. F BEE.  
Debate and liberal studies 2008
    睇辯論學通識2008 [錄影資料] = Debate and liberal studies 2008. [2008]. 159.5 6802.  

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