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East meets West
    走看東.西 : 在牛津的文化筆記 =East meets West / 張寶華著. 2007. 741.89 1123.  
The Easter egg haunt
    The Easter egg haunt / by Tom B. Stone. 1998 F STO.  
The Easter story
    The Easter story / text by Jenny Robertson ; illustrated by Alan Parry. 1979 232.9 BIB.  
Eastern Europe
    Eastern Europe / Peter Barker. 1979 914.7 BAR.  
Eastern Europe '00-'01
    東歐 = Eastern Europe '00-'01 / 王瑤琴 ... [等]作. 2000. 744 5090.  
The Eastern question 1774-1923 : a study in international relations
    The Eastern question 1774-1923 : a study in international relations / by M.S. Anderson. 1966 940.2 AND.  
    看得到的化學 : 你一輩子都會用到的化學元素知識 = The elements / 西奧多.葛雷(Theodore Gray)作 ; 吳瑤玲譯. 2010. 344.1 6704.  
Easy English
    不再詞窮! : 人物篇 / Aman Chiu ; M. K. Lee 協作. 2009. 805.165 4980.  
    不再詞窮! : 生活最常用的動詞篇 / Aman Chiu ; M. K. Lee 協作. 2009. 805.165 4980.  
    不再詞窮! : 事物篇 / Aman Chiu ; M. K. Lee 協作. 2009. 805.165 4980.  
    不再詞窮! : 高中生必學的動詞篇 / Aman Chiu ; M. K. Lee 協作. 2009. 805.165 4980.  
    踢走港式英語 = Common English errors in Hong Kong : a guide to good English / Aman Chiu ; M. K. Lee 協作. 2011. 805.16 4980.  
Easy english Drama Series
    趣味美語短劇 / Takei Yoko著 ; Toyama Ei繪. 1989, 1991 805.188 4020.  
Easy go
    香港 = Hong Kong 2011-2年版. 2010 673.86 2060.  

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