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索書號: F SMI

簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

    The Banana Machine / Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrated by Ian Bilbey. 2006. F SMI.  
    The borrowers / a novelization by Sherwood Smith ; based on the screenplay by Gavin Scott, John Kamps ; based on the novels by Mary Norton ; retold by Karen Holmes ; series editors Andy Hophins and Jocelyn Potter. 1999. F SMI.  
    The Bubblegum Tree / Alexander McCall Smith ; illutrated by Ian Bilbey. 2005. F SMI.  
    The Bursting Balloons Mystery / Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrated by Ian Bilbey. 2006. F SMI.  
    Calculator Annie / Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrated by Ian Bilbey. 2006. F SMI.  
    The Chocolate Money Mystery / Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrated by Ian Bilbey. 2006. F SMI.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 17 個)      
    I miss Franklin P. Shuckles / by Ulana Snihura ; illustrated by Leanna Franson. 1998. F SNI.  
    The snow queen / Hans Anderdsen ; adapted by Lucy Kincaid ; illustrated by Eric Kincaid. ???? F SNO.  
    The snow queen / retold by Joan collins ; illustrated by Kathie Layfield. 1982. F SNO.  
    Snow White / The Brothers Grimm ; retold by Michael Rosen ; illustrated by Agusti Asensio. 2002. F SNO.  
    Snow white and the seven dwarfs / by Tony Wolf. ???? F SNO.  
    Snow White and the seven dwarfs / illustrated by Guell. 2010 F SNO.  
    Snow white and the seven dwarfs / Tony Wolf ; retold by Vera Southgate ; with illustrated by Martin Aitchison. 1980. F SNO.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 8 個)      
    Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the dead eagles / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 2008. F SOB.  
    Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret pitch / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 2007. F SOB.  
    Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the secret UFOs / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by James Bernardin. 2011. F SOB.  
    Encyclopedia brown carries on / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by Ohlsson. ???? F SOB.  
    Encyclopedia Brown cracks the case / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by James Bernardin. 2008. F SOB.  
    Encyclopedia Brown gets his man / by Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 2007. F SOB.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 14 個)      
    One day in the life of ivan denisovich / by Solzheitsyn Alexander. ???? F SOL.  
    Beware our power! / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Dan Schoening. 2011. F SON.  
    Catwoman's classroom of claws / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Dan Schoening. 2010. F SON.  
    Danger on deck! / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Luciano Vecchio. 2013. F SON.  
    Deep space hijack / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Dan Schoening. 2010. F SON.  
    Killer Croc hunter / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Mike DeCarlo, Erik Doescher and Lee Loughridge. 2010. F SON.  
    The moon bandits / written by Scott Sonneborn ; illustrated by Mike Cavallard. 2013. F SON.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 7 個)      
    The sorcerer's apprentice / by Sue Ullstein. 1990. F SOR.  
    Beauty and the beast = 美人和野獸 / retold by Vera Southgate Vera Southgate ; illustrated by Robert Ayton. 1992. F SOU.  
    The big pancake = 大煎餅 / retold by Vera Southgate ; illustrated by Gillian Hurry. 1992 F SOU.  
    The Elves and the shoemaker = 小精靈和鞋匠 / retold by Vera Southgate ; illustrated by Peter Stevenson. 1992. F SOU.  
    The magic porridge pot / retold by Vera Southgate. F SOU.  
    The magic porridge pot = 有魔法的麥片粥鍋 / retold by Vera Southgate, illustrated by Mike Gordon. 1992. F SOU.  
    The musicians of Bremen = 不來梅的音樂家 / retold by Vera Southgate ; illustrated by Linda Birch. 1992. F SOU.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 16 個)      
    Almost lost : the true story of an anonymous teenager's life on the streets / edited by Beatrice Sparks. 1996. F SPA.  
    The boy who was afraid / Armstrong Sperry ; retold by Stephen colbourn. 1992. F SPE.  
    The witch of blackbird pond / by Elizabeth George Speare ; illustrated by Tim Stevens. 2003. F SPE.  

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