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書名全名: FAMILY = 家

簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

The Family = 家
    The Family = 家 / by Ba Jin(巴金) adapted by Gao Tielin(高鐵林), Wang Lijun(王力軍) ; translated by Wu Jingyu(吳敬瑜) ; illustrated by Bozong(博綜), Yuqing(雨青), Qingguo(慶國). 1995. F BAJ.  
Famous cake shop's professional technique
    日本蛋糕名店的私藏秘方 = Famous cake shop's professional technique! / 鍾東明譯. 2003. 427.16 6010.  
Famous faces from history
    Famous faces from history [electronic resource] / AVP Multimedia. ????  
Famous five
    Five go down to the sea / by Erid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1984. F BLY.  
    Five go to Billycock Hill / by Enid Blyton ; illustrated Dorothy Hamilton. 1993. F BLY.  
    Five have a wonderful time / by Erid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1984. F BLY.  
The famous five
    Five go to smuggler's top / by Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1979. F BLY.  
Famous five
    Five go to mystery moor / by Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1984. F BLY.  
    Five have a mystery to solve / by Erid Blyton ; illustrated by Dorothy Hamilton. 1994. F BLY.  
    Five have plenty of fun / by Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1985. F BLY.  
    Five on a secret trail / by Enid Blyton ; illustrated by Jolyne Knox. 1985. F BLY.  
Famous legends book 1
    Famous legends book 1 / J.D.M. Prehous ; illustrated by Robert Ayton. 1975 F PRE.  
Famous lives
    The Dalai Lama : peacemaker from Tibet / Chris Gibb. 2002. 922 DAL.  
    Martin Luther King Jr. : civil rights hero / Chris Gibb. 2001. 923 KIN.  
    Nelson Mandela : father of freedom / Hakim Adi. 2000. 923 MAN.  
    Pablo Picasso : master of modern art / Liz Gogerly. 2003. 927 PIC.  
    Vincent van Gogh : the troubled artist / Anna Claybourne. 2003. 927 GOG.  
    William Shakespeare : poet and playwright / Stewart Ross. 2003. 928 SHA.  
      ... 其他書名 (總數: 7 個)      
Famous people, famous lives
    Captain Scott / by Emma Fischel ; illustrated by Dave McTaggart. 2002. 920 SCO.  
    George Stephenson / by Emma Fischel ; illustrated by Lynne Willey. 2000. 920 STE.  
    Henry Ford / text and illustrated by Peter Kent. 2002. 920 FOR.  
    John Logie Baird / by Nicola Baxter ; illustrated by Richard Morgan. 2000. 920 BRI.  
    Mahatma Gandhi / by Emma Fischel ; illustrated by Richard Morgan. 2002. 920 GAN.  
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / by Harriet Castor ; illustrated by Peter Kent. 2002. 920 MOZ.  
Famous places
    Famous places / by James H.Shaw ; translated by Pauline Bush. 1989. 910.2 FAM.  

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