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啓動搜尋器  啓動


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Gillis, Jennifer Blizin
    Dogs / Jennifer Blizin Gillis. 2004. 599.77 GIL.  
Gilmore, Robert
    小氣財神的物理夢遊記 = Scrooge's cryptic carol : visions of energy, time and quantum nature / 吉爾摩著 ; 葉偉文譯. 1999. 889 6478.  
Gilpin, Rebecca
    Dangerous animals / Rebecca Gilpin ; designed by Will Dawes ... [et al.] ; illustrations by Patrizia Donaera. 2013. 590 GIL.  
Gilson, Peter
    Success in Geography : physical and mapwork / by Peter Gilson. 1980 910 GIL.  
Gimson, A. C
    English pronunciation practice / by G.F. Arnold, A.C. Gimson. 1973. 428.1 ARN.  
Gina, Mercer
    I'm sorry / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. 1995. F MAY.  
    Just a secret / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. 2002. F MAY.  
    Just lost! / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. 1994. F MAY.  
    Just not invited /lcby Gina and Mercer Mayer. 1992. F MAY.  
    A very special critter / by Gina and Mercer Mayer. 1992. F MAY.  
Gindre, Robin
    生命怎麼來的 / Jean-Benoit Durand(讓{????}伯努瓦{????}迪朗)著 ; Robin Gindre(羅賓{????}冉德爾)繪 ; 陳秋玲譯. 2005. 360 3570.  
    在森林和原野 = La foret / Jean-Benoit Durand, Georges Feterman著 ; Robin Gindre圖 ; BBM Translation Service譯. 2005. 436.12 3570.  
    能源停看聽 / Francois Michel(弗朗索瓦{????}米雪)著 ; Robin Gindre(羅賓{????}冉德爾)繪 ; 陳秋玲譯. 2005. 554.68 8420.  
Gingermouse, Merenguita
    Down and out down under / by Geronimo Stilton ; Original title by E Arrivata Patty Spring ; illustration by Silvia Bigolin ; Graphics by Merenguita Gingermouse and Tiziano Finessi. 2006. F STI.  
    祕密 / Giorda, Tito著. 1994. 859.6 6407.  
Girard, Estelle
    追蹤維京人的腳印 / 伊凡.柯瓦(Yves Cohat), 艾絲黛拉.吉哈(Estelle Girard)著 ; 菲力浦.馬赫(Philippe Munch)繪圖 ; 黃韾慧譯. 2005[民94]. 740.23 2000.  

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