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Great English Monarchs and their times = 英國名君偉績
    Great English Monarchs and their times = 英國名君偉績. 2003. F GRE.  
The great escape
    The great escape / by Philippe Dupasquier. 1988. F DUP.  
Great escapes of World War 11
    Great escapes of World War 11 / by George Sullivan. ???? F SUL.  
Great events of the 20th century : how they changed our lives
    Great events of the 20th century : how they changed our lives / by Reader's Digest. 1977 909.82 REA.  
Great expectation
    Great expectation / Charles Dickens ; adapted by Ronald Storer. ???? F DIC.  
Great expectations
    Great expectations / by Charles Dickens ; retold by Gwendoline Dun ; illustrated by Elieen Green. 1993 F DIC.  
    Great expectations / by Charles Dickens. 1993. F DIC.  
    Great expectations / Charles Dickens ; retold by Latif Doss ; series editors Andy Hopkins, Jocelyn Potter. 1999 F DOS.  
    孤星血淚 / by Charles Dickens ; 高惠雲編譯. 1983. 889 3422.  
Great expectations = 遠大前程
    Great expectations = 遠大前程 / by Charles Dickens. 2005. F DIC.  
Great fables of the world
    世界寓言 = Great fables of the world / 陳德運, 周國珍編著. 2000. 805.18 7529.  
The great feast
    The great feast / by N.T. Bible ; written by Heather Dyer ; illustrated by Bernard Brett. 1980 226 BIB.  
Great feuds in technology : ten of the liveliest disputes ever
    科技恩仇錄 : 科技史上的十大爭端 = Great feuds in technology : ten of the liveliest disputes ever / 哈爾.赫爾曼(Hal Hellman)著 ; 賈士蘅譯. 2011. 409 0477.  

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