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Greenspan's 9 treasures
    格林斯潘給青年的9份財智儲備= Greenspan's 9 treasures / 王一峰著. 2007. 563.5 1010.  
Greeting cards
    Greeting cards / by Annette Claxton. 1989. 736 CLA.  
Greetings, Departings and compliment
    輕鬆說英語 : 社交篇 / Larry Latham著, 許曉夫譯. 1995. 805.188 7030.  
Gregor Mendel : genetics pioneer
    Gregor Mendel : genetics pioneer / Lynn Van Gorp. 2008. 576.5 GOR.  
Gremlins don't chew bubble gum
    Gremlins don't chew bubble gum / by Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones ; illustrated by John Steven Gurney. 1995. F DAD.  
Greyfriars Bobby = 忠誠的小狗波比
    Greyfriars Bobby = 忠誠的小狗波比 / 邁克拉.摩根[Michaela Morgan]著 ; 托妮.莫里斯圖 ; 劉春華譯. 2011. F MOR.  
The Greyrider
    The Greyrider / by Steve Rabley. ???? F RAB.  
Grief therapy
    Grief therapy / written by Karen Katafiasz ; illustrated by R.W. Alley. 1993. 158 KAT.  
Grieg : the spirit of Norway
    葛利格 : 挪威民族音樂家 = Grieg : the spirit of Norway. 1997. 910.9947 6744.  
Grieving at christmastime
    Grieving at christmastime / written by Dwight Daniels ; illustrated by R.W. Alley. 2005. 158 DAN.  

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