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A History of Modern France vol.2 : From the first Empire to the second Empire 1799-1871
    A History of modern France / by Alfred Cobban. 1965 944 COB.  
A History of Modern France vol.3 : France of the Republics 1871-1962
    A History of modern France / by Alfred Cobban. 1965 944 COB.  
History of modern India From 1800-1964 A.D
    History of modern India From 1800-1964 A.D. / byP.S. Joshi, S.V. Gholkar. 1983. 954.03 JOS.  
The history of railways
    鐵路 / 科林.海因森 (Colin Hynson)著 ; 蘇福忠譯. 2000 557.26 0489.  
A History of South-East Asia
    A History of South-East Asia / by D.G.E. Hall. 1968 959 HAL.  
The history of submarines
    潛艇 / 傑夫.托爾(Jeff Tall)著 ; 童未央譯. 2000 444.1 3077.  
History of the modern world
    The thirties : an illustrated in colour 1930-1939 / by R.J. Unstead. 1974 909 UNS.  
    The Twenties : an illustrated in colour 1919-1929 / by R.J. Unstead. 1973 909 UNS.  
A History of the modern world from 1917 to the 1980
    A History of the modern world from 1917 to the 1980 / by Paul Johnson. 1983. 909.82 JOH.  
The history of the world
    一看就懂!圖解最有趣的世界史 = The history of the world / 沉零編著 ; 姆西蟲繪圖. 2013. 711 3411.  
A history of the world in 100 objects
    看得到的世界史 = A history of the world in 100 objects / 尼爾.麥葛瑞格 (Neil MacGregor)著; 劉道捷, 拾已安譯. 2012. 711 8026.  

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