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    信仰 : 邊看邊學 / 佐藤彰著 ; 勝間敏夫繪圖 ; 鄭端譯. 1997 244.9 2444.  
Katz, Gloria
    Indiana Jones and the temple of doom / by James Kahn ; screenplay by Gloria Katz, Willard Huyck ; story by George Lucas. ???? F KAH.  
Kautzky, Ted
    高兹基的鉛筆畫與水彩畫 / T.Kautzky著 ; 曾雅雲譯. 1980 948.2 2053.  
Kavanagh, Peter
    The little prince and the great treasure hunt / by Peter Kavanagh. 1996. F KAV.  
Kay, Valerie
    Biological Sciences : developing reading skills in English / by Valerie Kay. 1985. 808 KAY.  
Kaye, Geraldine
    The tin soldier / based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen ; retold by Geraldine Kaye ; illustrated by Douglas Hall. 1971. F AND.  
    To catch a thief / by Geraldine Kaye ; illustrated by Trevor Stubley. 1975 (reprint 1986). F KAY.  
Kaymaram, Manuchehr
    The bear & his cap / Manuchehr Kaymaram ; illustrator by Shirin Ghezelbash. 2005. F KAY.  
    The cat who wanted to fly / Manuchehr Kaymaram ; illustrator by Shirin Ghezelbash. 2005. F KAY.  
Kayser, Eric
    100%pain天然麵包百分百 : 60種頂級之手工麵包食譜 / [艾瑞克.凱桀(Eric Kayser)作 ; 謝孟渝譯]. 2012. 427.16 2049.  
Kazuko Miyai =宮井和子
    粘土工藝 Part 2 : 不必燒製的陶藝 / 宮井和子著. [1985] 999.6 3060.  
Kazuyuki, Okajima
    學這些就搞定了攝影 : 全新的數位單眼攝影技巧100招 / 岡島和幸(Kazuyuki Okajima). 2011. 952 7722.  

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