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Ludwing Van Beethoven
    貝多芬傳 / by Solomon Marynard. 1988. 910.9943 1443.  
The Lun Yu in English
    萬世師表. 1996. 121.22 1241.  
Lunch lady and the author visit vendetta
    Lunch lady and the author visit vendetta / Jarrett J. Krosoczka. 2009. F KRO.  
Lunch lady and the bake sale bandit
    Lunch lady and the bake sale bandit / Jarrett J. Krosoczka. 2010. F KRO.  
Lunch lady and the cyborg substitute
    Lunch lady and the cyborg substitute / Jarrett J. Krosoczka. 2009. F KRO.  
Lunch lady and the league of librarians
    Lunch lady and the league of librarians / Jarrett J. Krosoczka. 2009. F KRO.  
Lunch lady and the summer camp shakedown
    Lunch lady and the summer camp shakedown / Jarrett J. Krosoczka. 2010. F KRO.  
Lunchtime rules
    Lunchtime rules! / Vicki Steggall ; illustrated by Ash Oswald. 2005. F STE.  
Luxury train
    小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 維也納的浪漫情調 = Johann Strauss II : the romance of Vienna. 1997. 910.9944 9370.  
Lynda Field's 60 tips for self-esteem
    這就是自信 : 60個快速有效的生活祕訣 / Lynda Field著 ; 張碧君譯. 1998 192 5447.  

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