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O'Brien, John
    Sir small and the dragonfly / by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by John O'Brien. 1988 F CON.  
    小意外, 大發明 : 50個誤打誤撞的妙發現 / 夏綠蒂.佛爾兹.瓊斯(Charlotte Foltz Jones)著 ; 約翰.歐布萊恩(John O'Brien)繪 ; 郭玉芬譯. 2000. 440.6 4084.  
    小錯誤, 大發明 : 40個發明的小故事 = Mistakes that worked : 40 familiar inventions and how they came to be / 夏綠蒂.佛爾兹(Charlotte Foltz Jones)著 ; 約翰.歐布萊恩(John O'Brien)繪圖 ; 成寒編譯 inventions and how they came to be. 2001. 440.6 4084.  
O'Byrne, Anna
    Love never dies [videorecording] / music by Andrew Lloyd Webber ; lyrics by Glenn Slater ; book by Andew loyd Webber and Ben Elton with Glenn Slater, Frederick Forsyth ; additional lyrics by Charles Hart ; directed by Simon Phillips. 2011. 915.2 7054.  
O'Carroll, Susan
    Born free / by Joy Adamson ; abridged and simplified by Norah Woollard ; illustrared by Susan O'Carroll. 1979 F ADA.  
O'Connell, Jean S
    The dollhouse caper / Jean S. O'Connell ; illustrated by Erik Blegvad. ???? F OCO.  
O'Connor, Charles
    Elements of Commerce / by Charles O'Conner. 1970. 380 OCO.  
O'Connor, Ellen
    Dragon seed / by Pearl S. Buck ; abridged and adapted by Ellen O'Connor ; illustrated by Tomaz Mok ; Compiled by D.H. Howe. ???? F BUC.  
O'Connor, Frances
    Artificial intelligence [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures present an Amblin/Stanley Kubrick production, a film by Steven Spielberg ; producers, Kathleen Kennedy, Steven Spielberg, Bonnie Curtis ; screenplay writer, Steven Spielberg ; director, Steven Spielberg. [2001] 791.43 ART.  
O'connor, Jane
    Sir small and the dragonfly / by Jane O'Connor ; illustrated by John O'Brien. 1988 F CON.  
    Yours till niagara fills / by Jane O'connor ; illustrated by Margot Apple. ???? F OCO.  
    我的加薩特 : 家庭相簿 / 珍.歐康納(Jane O'Connor)文字 ; 珍妮弗.卡利斯(Jennifer Kalis)繪圖 ; 劉清彥翻譯. 2004. 909.97 2099.  
    我的馬蒂斯 : 用剪刀畫畫 / 珍.歐康納(Jane O'Connor)文字 ; 潔西.哈特蘭(Jessie Hartland)繪圖 ; 宋珮翻譯. 2004. 909.97 8034.  
O'Connor, Jim
    What is LEGO? / by Jim O'Connor ; illustrated by Ted Hammond. 2020. ????  
O'Dell, Felicity
    English vocabulary in use / by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell. 1994. 428.1 MCC.  

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