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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Perry mason in the case of the stepdaughter's secret
    梅森探案 : 繼女的秘密 / E.S.賈德納(Erle Stanley Gardner)著 ; 張美惠譯. 1997 889 6073.  
    我在伊朗長大 : 回家 / Marjane Satrapi著 ; 馬愛農, 左濤譯. 2005. 736.11 9037.  
    我在伊朗長大 : 安息日 / Marjane Satrapi著 ; 馬愛農, 左濤譯. 2005. 736.11 9037.  
    我在伊朗長大 : 面紗 / Marjane Satrapi著 ; 馬愛農, 左濤譯. 2005. 736.11 9037.  
    我在伊朗長大 : 捉迷藏 / Marjane Satrapi著 ; 馬愛農, 左濤譯. 2005. 736.11 9037.  
Persian march
    小約翰. 史特勞斯 : 維也納的浪漫情調 = Johann Strauss II : the romance of Vienna. 1997. 910.9944 9370.  
Personal, social & humanities education
    Key learning area curriculum guide : primary1-secondary3. ???? ????  
Personal, social & humanities education key learning area : exemplars of organization of modules for life and society (Secondary 1-3
    Personal, social & humanities education key learning area : exemplars of organization of modules for life and society (Secondary 1-3) / prepared by the Curriculum Development Council. 2010. 375 PER.  
Personal, social & humanities education key learning area: life and society curriculum guide (secondary 1-3
    Personal, social & humanities education key learning area: life and society curriculum guide (secondary 1-3) / prepared by the Curriculum Development Council. 2010. 375 PER.  
Personal, social & humanities education key learning area. Video resources for economics
    個人, 社會及人文教育學習領域. 經濟科視像教材 [錄影資料] / 教育局課程發展處個人, 社會及人文教育組. 2009. 550.38 2620.  
The personal success pocketbook
    個人成功 = personal success / 保羅.海登[Paul Hayden]著 ; 菲爾.海爾斯通圖 ; 蘇福忠譯. 2001. 177.2 0043.  
    透視圖の技法 : 透過漫畫了解遠近法.構圖 = Perspective / 染森健一, BeCom合著 ; 面出和子監修. 2011. 947.13 3490.  
    Persuasion / Jane Austen ; retold by Derck Strange. 1991. F AUS.  
    Persuasion / Jane Austen. 1999 F AUS.  

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