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Rutherford, Meg
    Stanley in the dark / written by M.Christina Butler ; illustrated by Meg Rutherford. 1994. F BUT.  
Ryan, Garrett
    古希臘羅馬人原來這樣過日子 : 裸體雕像、胖姅角鬥士和戰象,令人拍案叫絕的古典時代眞相= Naked statues,fat gladiators,and war elephants : frequently asked questions about the ancient Greeks and Romans / 蓋瑞特.雷恩(Garrett Ryan)著 ; 莊安祺譯. 2024. ????  
Ryan, John
    Pugwash and the mutiny and pugwash and the fancy-dress party / John Ryan. 1985. F RYA.  
Ryan, John C
    七個環保綠點子 : 簡簡單單創造綠色新生活 / 作者, 約翰.雷恩(John, C. Ryan) ; 譯者, 楊永鈺. 2002. 445.9 7408.  
    不可思議的消費鏈 : 日常生活的環保神秘殺手 / 作者, 約翰.雷恩(John C. Ryan), 亞倫.聖.鄧寧(Alan Thein Durning) ; 譯者, 楊永鈺. 2002. 445.9 7408.  
    拯救鮭魚736 : 一條見證水域生態危機的魚 / 作者, 約翰.雷恩(John C. Ryan) ; 譯者, 金振寧, 陳素珊. 2002. 367.4 7408.  
    善意的生態殺手 : 不當的優惠保障政策帶來資源浩劫 / 作者, 約翰.雷恩(John C. Ryan) ; 譯者, 魏慶瑜. 2002. 445.9 7408.  
Ryan, Kristine
    2012 [錄影資料] : science or superstition / The Disinformation Company presents ; director, Nimrod Erez ; writer & producer, Gary Baddeley ; co-producer, Ralph Bernardo. 2009. 799.9508 2012.  
Ryan, Margaret
    Jake, Ace detective = 杰克是個大偵探 / 瑪格麗特.瑞安[Margaret Ryan]著 ; 阿曼達.伍德圖 ; 劉春華譯. 2011. F RYA.  
Ryan, Michael
    Meet Casey Jones / Michael Ryan ; adapted by Marc Cerasini ; illustrated by Patrick Spaziante. 2004. F RYA.  
    Super slam turtles! / Michael Ryan ; adapted by Jim Thomas ; illustrated by Patrick Spaziante. 2005. F RYA.  
    Super slam turtles! / Michael Ryan ; adapted by Jim Thomas ; illustrated by Patrick Spaziante. 2005. F RYA.  
Ryan, Mike
    世界特種部隊大全 : The encyclopedia of the world's sprcial forces / Mike Ryan, Chris Mann, Alexander Stilwell等著. 2005. 596.6 7408.  
Ryback, Timothy W
    希特勒的私人圖書館 = Hitler's private library : the books that shaped his life / 提摩西.賴貝克(Timothy W. Ryback)著 ; 周全譯. 2011. 029.1 7410.  
Rycroft, Robin
    Writing skills : a problem-solving approach for upper-intermediate and more advanced students / by Norman Coe, Robin Rycroft, Pauline Ernest. 1983 808 COE.  

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