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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Salt, Sugar, Fat : How the food giants hooked us
    糖, 脂肪, 鹽 : 食品工業誘人上癮的三詭計 / 邁可.摩斯(Michael Moss)著 ; 盧秋瑩譯. 2015. 411.3 8099.  
Sam's science
    I know how my cells make me grow / by Kate Rowan ; illustrated by Katharine McEwen. 1999. F ROW.  
    I know how we fight germs / by Kate Rowan ; illustrated by Katharine McEwen. 2000. F ROW.  
    I know where my food goes / by Jacqui Maynard ; illustrated by Katharine McEwen. 2000. F MAY.  
    I know why I brush my teeth / by Kate Rowan ; illustrated by Katharine McEwen. 2000. F ROW.  
Sam the girl detective
    Sam the girl detective / Tony Bradman ; illustrated by Doffy Weir. 1989. F BRA.  
Sampling techniques in Geography
    Sampling techniques in Geography / by Roger Dalton...[et al.]. 1975. 910 GRI.  
Samson and the Philistines
    Samson and the Philistines / by Angela Sheehan ; illustrated by Peter Connolly. 1971 220.9 SAM.  
Samuel and Saul
    Samuel and Saul / text by Jenny Robertson ; illustrated by Alan Parry. 1981 222 BIB.  
    Samurai / by Kathleen Duey ; created and photographed by Robert Gould ; 3D special effects and digitally illustrated by Eugene Epstein. 2006. F DUE.  
San Francisco
    San Francisco / by Jack Madowell. 1969 917.94 SAN.  
San Francisco'99
    舊金山'99 / 周芬娜, 朱月華作. 1999 752.716 7722.  
The sandalwood girl
    The sandalwood girl / by Sheila McCullagh ; illustrated by Jon Davies. ???? F MCC.  

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