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簡短結果 (第 1 頁)

Say no to impossibility
    不是不可能 : 思路決定出路 = Say no to impossibility / 易發久著. 2003. 192 6022.  
Say what you mean : rekindling our youths' voice with confidencd and creativity
    有話好說 : 青少年溝通學堂 = Say what you mean : rekindling our youths' voice with confidencd and creativity / 李錦洪著. 2005. 195.6 4040.  
Say with easy English
    活用英語基本詞彙 = Say with easy English / 李玲編著. 2002. 805.188 4040.  
Saying Goodbye = 說再見
    Fast Forward Reader. P5. 2010. F FAS.  
    Scandinavia / Gavin Orton. 1979 914.8 ORT.  
Scarecrow, doctor of fear
    Scarecrow, doctor of fear / written by Matthew K. Manning ; illustrated by Erik Doescher, Mike DeCarlo and Lee Loughridge. 2013. F MAN.  
The scarecrow's hat
    The scarecrow's hat / Ken Brown. 2002. F BRO.  
    Scared / Anthony Horowitz. 2002. F HOR.  
Scaredy cats
    Scaredy cats / by Audrey Wood. ???? F CHI.  
Scaredy dog
    Scaredy dog / Jane Resh Thomas ; illustrated by Marilyn Mets . 1996. F THO.  

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